The Spanish Society of Cardiology is a non-profit scientific and professional organization that will face increasing the state of knowledge about the heart and the circulatory system, advancing in the prevention and treatment of its diseases, improving survival and quality of life of cardiac patients.
It has been 75 years since the SEC obtained its first statutes in November 1944. The work developed over the decades has allowed it to forge a position of prestige and influence, in addition to evolving in its structure and organization until reaching a model of management in accordance with the needs of society, the patient and the health system of the 21st century, and capable of fulfilling the objectives that drive it.
Its objectives are
- Lead knowledge about cardiovascular diseases.
- Contribute to international research, especially European and Latin American.
- Create national and international links for the development of actions and the distribution of resources in cardiovascular matters.
- Representative of professionals interested in the cardiovascular area.
The SEC has about 6,000 members, including cardiologists and professionals related to cardiovascular diseases, both Spanish and European, Latin American or international.
Our denomination, nature, objectives, regulatory regime, legal personality, governing bodies, subsidiaries, Sections, Working Groups, as well as the rights and duties of different types of partners. Everything we are is reflected in detail in the statutes of the Spanish Society of Cardiology, the root document where we develop the framework of action that we take as a reference to promote the study, prevention and treatment of cardiovascular conditions.
You can view the statutes in pdf version here.