En febrero en la Heart House
El Working Group de Valvulopatías de la Sociedad Europea de Cardiología (ESC) organiza un curso formativo dirigido por los Dres. Manuel J Antunes (Coimbra, Portugal), Pilar Tornos (Barcelona, España) y Bernard Lung (Paris, Francia), que tendrá lugar en la Heart House en el mes de febrero.
Los bloques temáticos del curso son los siguientes:
I- The asymptomatic patient
- asymptomatic severe aortic stenosis. Calcification, progression and exercise testing
- asymptomatic severe aortic regurgitation
- asymptomatic severe mitral regurgitation. Watchful waiting or surgery?
II- Heart failure in valvular heart disease
- mitral regurgitation and poor left ventricular function
- tricuspid regurgitation after successful mitral surgery
- low gradient aortic stenosis and heart failure
III- Valvular heart disease and coronary artery disease
- acute coronary syndrome in patient with artificial heart valve
- moderate aortic stenosis with CAD
- patient with moderate mitral regurgitation undergoing CABG
IV- Valve disease in the elderly
- evolution of aortic valve disease in the elderly
- risk analysis in the elderly patients: are patients denied surgery?
- transcatheter / transapical valve replacement: The alternative in the elderly?
V- Valvular disease in pregnancy
- anticoagulation during pregnancy
- cardiac surgery in pregnant patients
VI- Difficult endocarditis
- prosthetic valve endocarditis with abscess
- cerebral complications
- the big vegetation on the mitral valve
VII- Problems after valve replacement
- paraprosthetic leak and severe haemolysis (diagnosis, medical treatment, when to reintervene)
- primary deterioration of bioprosthesis (diagnosis, timing of reoperation)
- stroke and bleeding in patients with mechanical aortic prosthesis
VIII- Anticoagulation and thrombosis
- to bridge or not to bridge - what to do in case of noncardiac surgical procedures
- what to do when the valve is thrombosed
- non-occlusive prosthetic thrombosis following mitral valve replacement with a mechanical prosthesis
Todo el que esté interesado en asistir podrá encontrar información en la página web de la Sociedad Europea de Cardiología.