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Junior Investigator Transthyretin Amyloid Polyneuropathy (ATTR-PN) Research
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Date RFP Issued: January 15, 2021
Geographic Scope: all countries except the United States
Clinical Area: Transthyretin Amyloid Polyneuropathy (ATTR-PN)
Link to full RFP: Junior Investigator Transthyretin Amyloid Polyneuropathy (ATTR-PN) Research
Application Due Date: March 22, 2021
Specific Area of Interest: Pfizer is interested in supporting research proposals that advance our understanding of the epidemiology, basic science and early diagnosis and treatment of ATTR-PN through research focused in the following areas:
- Epidemiologic evaluations for ATTR-PN
- Approaches for the early appropriate diagnosis of ATTR-PN patients
- Evaluation of patients with ATTR-PN presenting with a mixed phenotype
- Real world efficacy and safety of tafamidis monotherapy in the clinical setting for the management of ATTR-PN
- Mechanistic studies to advance the basic science of amyloid formation and deposition
Premio de la Sociedad Española de Medicina del Deporte
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La Sociedad Española de Medicina del Deporte, en su apuesta constante por la promoción de la Medicina del Deporte y apoyo a médicos e investigadores en Ciencias relacionadas con la Medicina del Deporte y la actividad física, convoca CUATRO Premios SEMED a la investigación.
Podrán optar a los premios los médicos e investigadores en Ciencias relacionadas con la Medicina del Deporte y la actividad física que presenten un trabajo ORIGINAL O DE REVISIÓN para publicación en la revista Archivos de Medicina del Deporte.
Cada premio consistirá en una dotación económica de 600 euros, además de la publicación en la revista y mención de haber obtenido el premio.
El plazo para enviar los trabajos es hasta el 1 de noviembre de 2020.
Puede consultar el texto completo de la convocatoria en el siguiente enlace: Pdf de la convocatoria.
Convocatoria Global becas Pfizer - COVID-19 Competitive Grant Program
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This competitive grant program from Pfizer Global Medical Grants (GMG) involves a publicly posted RFP that provides details regarding a specific area of interest, sets timelines for review and approval, and uses an internal review process to make final grant decisions. For this RFP, organizations are invited to submit an application addressing the gaps in knowledge and practice of COVID-19 management as outlined in the RFP document.
Date RFP Issued: April 13, 2020
Geographic Scope: Global
Clinical Area: COVID-19
Link to full RFP: COVID-19 Competitive Grant Program
Application Closing Date: May 22, 2020
To facilitate a rapid response, application reviews and approvals will be done on a rolling basis. Although the RFP application window is open for 6 weeks, organizations are encouraged to apply as soon as possible. We anticipate a high volume of applications and will continue to award grants until the budget is depleted.
Specific Area of Interest: Through this RFP, it is our intent to support educational programs for healthcare providers focused on the recognition, diagnosis, treatment, and overall care management of patients with COVID-19, as well as provide support to hospitals or healthcare systems so that they may evaluate and improve their systems-of-care for COVID-19 patients.
Refer to complete details in the full RFP document. If you have questions regarding this RFP, please direct them in writing to Derek Warnick (
Convocatoria Global becas Pfizer - Raising Awareness and Promoting Timely Diagnosis of TTR Amyloidosis
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The intent of this Request for Proposal (RFP) is to raise awareness and close knowledge gaps to reduce the time it takes for patients to be correctly diagnosed and make treatment more accessible, while supporting the development of a global network of TTR amyloidosis experts. Expanding the community of practice will help decrease the distance patients need to travel to be diagnosed, although valuable guidance may still be obtained from experienced centers further from home.
Refer to complete details in the full RFP document. If you have questions regarding this RFP, please direct them in writing to Katie Kemper at Global Bridges (
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