Consenso de expertos de la European Heart Rhythm Association, la European Association of Preventive Cardiology, la Association of Cardiovascular Nursing and Allied Professionals, el European Patient Forum y el Digital Health Committee de la ESC sobre el empleo de tecnología wearable para monitorización de la frecuencia cardiaca y actividad física.
- Año: 2021
- URL: ESC working group on e-cardiology position paper: use of commercially available wearable technology for heart rate and activity tracking in primary and secondary cardiovascular prevention—in collaboration with the European Heart Rhythm Association, European Association of Preventive Cardiology, Association of Cardiovascular Nursing and Allied Professionals, Patient Forum, and the Digital Health Committee
- Categoría: Arritmias
- Referencia: European Heart Journal - Digital Health, ztab011,
- Organismo: ESC/ERHA/ACNAP/EPF/