Documento de consenso de expertos de la EHRA, el ESC Council on valvular heart disease y la European Association of Cardiovascular Imaging sobre prolapso de válvula mitral arrítmico.
- Año: 2022
- URL: EHRA expert consensus statement on arrhythmic mitral valve prolapse and mitral annular disjunction complex in collaboration with the ESC Council on valvular heart disease and the European Association of Cardiovascular Imaging endorsed by the Heart Rhythm Society, by the Asia Pacific Heart Rhythm Society, and by the Latin American Heart Rhythm Society
- Categoría: Arritmias y Valvulopatías
- Referencia: Europace. 2022 Dec 9;24(12):1981-2003. doi: 10.1093/europace/euac125
- Organismo: ESC/EHRA/EACVI