Consenso de expertos de la EAPCI sobre imagen intracoronaria dividido en 2 partes. Parte 1 - Guiado y optimización de las intervenciones coronarias y Parte 2 – Síndromes coronarios agudos, hallazgos angiográficos coronarios ambiguos, y guiado de la toma de decisiones en intervencionismo.
- Año: 2019
- Parte 1: Clinical use of intracoronary imaging. Part 1: guidance and optimization of coronary interventions. An expert consensus document of the European Association of Percutaneous Cardiovascular Interventions
- Referencia: European Heart Journal (2018) 39, 3281-3300.
- Parte 2: Clinical use of intracoronary imaging. Part 2: acute coronary syndromes, ambiguous coronary angiography findings, and guiding interventional decision-making: an expert consensus document of the European Association of Percutaneous Cardiovascular Interventions: Endorsed by the Chinese Society of Cardiology, the Hong Kong Society of Transcatheter Endocardiovascular Therapeutics (HKSTENT) and the Cardiac Society of Australia and New Zealand
Referencia: European Heart Journal, Published: 21 May 2019. - Categoría: Cardiopatía Isquémica / Prueba diagnóstica
- Organismo: EAPCI